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Enterprise Monitoring Grid® Report from G2

White Papers

The results are in, and Entuity Software™ has earned one of the top positions in the Enterprise Monitoring Grid® Report from G2 for 2024.

According to G2, “To qualify for inclusion in the Enterprise Monitoring category, a product must:

  • Monitor activity and performance for several IT systems (e.g., servers, databases, and networks)
  • Generate real-time analytics regarding monitored systems activity
  • Create and distribute detailed alerts via email, phone, and messaging for potential and active failures and errors
  • Offer pre-built and custom reporting and dashboards for quick insights into system states

The product set has been ranked by market presence and customer satisfaction – all based on user reviews, market share, company size, and social impact.

Download your copy of the Grid® Report today to discover why users have established Entuity in the Leader quadrant! Fill out the form and the white paper will be sent to you via email.

Download your copy of the Grid® Report today! Fill out the form and the white paper will be sent to you via email.